Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tart of fresh tart PECHES novelis

Tart of fresh tart PECHES novelis & LAVANDES novelis sun of lavender and Tarte aux pêches jaunes à la lumière talk / yellow peach blue sky NOTRE PIQUE-NIQUE woods and table green everyone how TARTE DE SOLEIL 2010 material Part Fiyute (folding puff pastry) * 230g In brise cloth or fold pie dough, (apricot jam, and honey) granulated sugar 1kg appropriate amount Napaju casonade yellow peach claim Damando of (almond cream) ** appropriate amount novelis of students, nectarine, apricot and (or brown sugar) * appropriate amount of commercial ** were combined in the order of 1 butter tbsp brandy claim Damando <basic amount> butter one almond flour 90g + flour 15g (pomade-like) 90g sugar 90g egg or wine Lamb (keep together), such as Armagnac, sugar, eggs, Mix with rubber spatula and put through a sieve flour, enhance flavor in the liquor. How to make 1. I grow in a circle of 35 cm in diameter part of the amount. I make a bank with a finger fold the edges of the dough. And (drilling of the air vent) Pique, I spread the claim Damando appropriate amount. 2. Disconnect the species divided lengthwise, yellow peaches (about 1kg) it (four tree is split or split if two tree apricot) to cut into 12 equal parts. Are arranged on top of the dough spread the claim da command, and bake about 40 minutes to 45 minutes in an oven at 190 degrees and sprinkle granulated novelis sugar casonade or (brown sugar). Heated by the addition of lemon juice and a small amount of water 3. Apricot jam (honey), ~ Napaju the tart is baked smear while hot. * It is the scent of lavender is fit to the yellow peach. Be used to mix a natural fragrance to trace Napaju. * When stamped the fruit, firing temperature increases with the intention of blowing the water, while the steam escape on the way, and bake more than enough.
Dressing source (8)
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