Ricard the bounce Prat Torra: Degree in History from the University of Barcelona Masters the bounce and PhD in History of Catalonia with the thesis "The control of public officials in Modern Catalonia."
In recent months we have lived immersed in Catalonia commemorate the tercentenary historic (1714-2014) and as a result of this, we have seen an avalanche of exhibitions, tours, conferences, symposia, conferences, and needless to say, not - publications me personally overwhelmed me and even exceeded. I admit it: I tried to isolate broadly throughout the concern raised by the event. The War of Succession is the central theme of my research and time currently required for the preparation of a thesis not allow distractions. And the truth is that if I wanted the bounce to spend a year of exposure and exposure seminar seminar, it should do well. However, I also have the conviction that historians can not opt out of the times in which they live and, therefore, now begins a new year I decided to make my small contribution to showtime through critical review of one of the books that promise to create controversy.
Spain and Cataluña. History of a Passion the bounce is the last work of Henry Kamen, one that has more Hispanic British fans, especially with regard the bounce to the public. Kamen has always been characterized by well know choose the most controversial topics or that were at the center of debate at the time of the publication of his writings. In a clear example works as Felipe of Spain, emerged as part of the centenary of the death of the second monarch of the House of Habsburg, and The Spanish Inquisition: A historical review that had a remarkable sales success among the public North American [2]. However, we agree that in recent years the British historian the bounce has shifted towards a methodology increasingly detached from historical sources-either primary, or secundàries- and more dependent the bounce on their "personal inspiration ".
The work that I propose to comment inserted fully into the latest the bounce stage of Kamen. According to himself, Cataluña and Spain on the one hand seeks to reflect on the historical relations between Spain and Catalonia, while the other wants to tell mythological constructions arising from events that occurred during the Eleventh of September 1714 and misinformation which is subjected society the bounce by political elites and media have distorted the past Catalans. Although I do not share the point of Kamen, I think it is always good, and healthy required- there are studies that go counter to provide multiple public speeches: this helps build a critical within society itself. I say that I am in favor of studies upstream as long as these are well documented based on historical level, and part of a comprehensive work that has consulted the maximum possible historical the bounce sources. Otherwise, I do not think this is a work of history, but we are facing a rather personal opinion essay. Kamen's work should register the bounce as soon as in the second categorization. Lack of a critical apparatus without archival work, almost without any citation, with a dozen footnotes page without any sense and an almost maniacal use of indefinite the bounce articles ("a historian" "journalist", "newspaper", "a digital portal") that does not allow the reader to find out who is trying, Spain and Cataluña the bounce is anything but a history book. This has not prevented, however, supermarkets, even the specialist have included in the section of its modern history. Outrageous.
The first part of the book of the British scholar -capítols 1 to 4 is dedicated to providing their particular vision of the precedents that led to the confrontation between the Spanish and Catalan during the War of Succession.
Start praising his story of medieval Christian kingdoms alliances and cooperation against the bounce the "common enemy" Muslim, but soon raises the Catalans have shown negligence in controlling its borders during the modern era. Also critical historiography Catalan never worried because he would not study the relationship of the Catalans with the empire of Charles V, ignoring the works of Michelangelo Buyreu Jordi Casals, just to give two examples. [3] Military the bounce history the bounce would also be completely abandoned because the Catalans have never enjoyed an impressive victory. [4]
The second chapter is dedicated to the Kamen explained that during the turn of the sixteenth century and the first decades the bounce of the seventeenth century would have been a rift between Catalan and Spanish, but this fact does not want
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