Tuesday, December 16, 2014

10/17/2014 at 11:41 a.m.

My way of seeing art || The Mendolotudo
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Whenever people ask me what I do, it shows them several just do it to my answer paper towels them fit in with one its previously armed concepts. In other words: what you say will be put in a box and settled in their mental shelves; so nothing is altered, so that it is there, classified as information that will be used at the time as required. This time may be some meeting, or some discussion on an artistic clearly not dominate and are not interested in himself, only to win the argument or be as informed person. To such people I say: do not ask me anything about art if not childishly curious, because front have an intuitive damn shows tabs that are bored with their complicated questions of manual and above risk that puts me rude.
However, there are other people, usually of medium or low cultural education, who allow themselves to be naturally unstructured; ask almost without thinking, so sensitive to the surface, and then I realize that everything I do is for them. I like these people walking paper towels along the road to decipher paper towels painted by myself, I long to help me rediscover it pleases. They interpret at will, they say the first thing that comes to mind without the timid and foolish fear of not knowing academically art. These opinions are very valuable to me because I connect with the human soul and direct unfiltered, a,.
Unfortunately, the average person expects the artist help you solve the puzzles themselves with their work; expect paper towels both revealing and crazy vision expressed by a speech. Friends, monkey paper towels them under the palm of a slingshot with this: Most of the most brilliant artists can neither express in words what I feel; are expressed through what they do. They are absolute idiots trying to explain their views, and on top are very unstable emotionally if one questions corners paper towels with naive or sophisticated.
There are levels of perception to see a play. There are very educated people who do classifies paper towels levels, but that makes it to organize and establish paper towels a critical line, but it is not working the public do this kind of analysis. The work draws first sight, then moves and shoots senses later. Corta.
What a treat this !! How good you filled colored this page, dear !! The looked and looked to try to tell you what finally gets me the most, but all different things paper towels humming. Finally paper towels I always stop for a while longer on the ball embedded in the rock.
Luxury is your visit, Marcos. And everything paper towels is for sale, the private channel is on my FB, but I do not have to chamuyarlos much to sell some of this, because I'm useless and stupid businessman. On the side of the colors, I have the obsession paper towels mixed with insolence; get a pure color when I know there is no better to place.
To me it makes me happy to remember all our talks, paper towels amid clouds of alcohol and smoke, dear Diem. I am proud to be your friend, thanks!
10/17/2014 at 11:41 a.m.
Zippo ... I've paper towels told you many times and never get tired of doing this: You're a genius! I admire those who are able, with his art, to beautify this world. My best wishes paper towels for you. I kept creating!
Lorena paper towels says:
Very good note and reflection, Zippo! I do not understand what the problem saying: "Academically not understand a knob" if no obligation to know. Personally, I know nothing of techniques, but I admire the art in all its expressions, with him I relax and enjoy. If I had to choose one of these wonders, paper towels no doubt I choose the first woman resting paper towels on the flooded piano. All are great! Like Marcos, also atrojo paper towels me the ball embedded in the rock. Mendoza Sos our pride, Zippo! Congratulations and successes!
Lorena, what I intend to give it a little twist to the paradigm so installed that art is not for everyone, and it is not. The order is the expression, and the first thing you have to accomplish is to awaken senses crosswise paper towels all, are office workers, sailors, housewives, cardboard or engineers. The explanations of it, let's leave those who are engaged in studying only.
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