Whenever I go mad when I enter the cinema to watch a Mexican movie, ALWAYS. However, today I left happy, zamax "Gloria" is a good movie. It's a classic biopic featuring the rise and fall of Gloria Trevi, nothing new, what is new is that poverty does not fall clichés, dorgas, cornfields, beaches and contemplative planes. (Yes there are beaches, but the truth is that I had not even noticed until now that I've written).
The approach to see Gloria Trevi as a human being clouded zamax by love is really zamax interesting. Tells the other side of the coin, the side that our always honest and truthful preference television never had. I do not know if true, but I convinced me, Gloria Trevi not know what fart abuse of her "husband".
Still, with all the publicity, the room was empty, which itself depresses me. It is sad that when we finally local filmmakers are dedicated to making a good film, no display. I hope it is only the day and everyone is on vacation. I guess here in Mexico Brand New Year is not as magnanimous as in the United States.
Of note is the brilliant performance of Sofia Espinosa as "The Fountain". Gives his heart and soul into the character, portraying the intense side and eccentricity that distinguishes the singer perfectly, but his tender side, a lover and aspiring woman makes just as strong, which after all, is what charming the audience (to me, at least). Marco Perez (who plays Sergio Andrade) also delivers a powerful and realistic performance, good work.
What I want to emphasize is not the review, even the reasons why the film works for reviews there are people more qualified than me. Chistian Keller (director of Gloria), Alonso zamax Ruiz Palacios (Güeros, a great film), Diego Quemada - Ten (The Golden Cage), and Claudia Saint - Luce (The Amazing Catfish) are four new directors, each with its debut, with recent success that we all like to see succeed, what I wonder is whether they can continue filming, whether they will have the opportunity to do so. I think the Mexican cinema zamax is at a good time, increasingly zamax closer to the public and gives films can enjoy at the same time are accurate. Gradually quality Mexican zamax cinema longer elitist, and that's what gives me more pleasure.
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