Thursday, September 11, 2014

2014 (25) October (6) Mangrove PT. Philips Indonesia Mangrove Planting Planting We Need More th

Malik youth Pumpkin Island Mangrove Planting PT Philips Edema Tg Perepak Dangsi Batam Island, Wednesday, June 18 2014 Post-planting weber barbecue 200 mangrove saplings in Tg Piayu on June 14, 2014, conducted by BAPEDAL Batam along with the companies are very concerned the Mangrove, we as activists Strait Bulang Monitoring continued planting activity. Deadlines that we have outlined that in June 2015 was 100 thousand Mangrove embedded in Tg Edema Perepak Dangsi Island. We maintain confidence in the Indonesian shipyard contribution Asl, Fir diamond Shipyard, fascoat Industries, and Sindomas precas to 100 thousand Mangrove planting.
Coordinates of PT Philips keprcayaan Planted area is an absolute must. As in our previous article explained that when donors trust fade because of a deliberate intention to not planted and maintained, it is definitely very difficult for fellow activists or other institutions concerned with the environment, to get founding, the effect is particularly mangrove environment will semangkin languish. Besides, we also got a deposit to grow about 4 thousand mangrove trees were entrusted by the companies who trust us apart from companies that we mentioned above, one is PT Philips Indonesia and we have planted 650 mangrove saplings as well be a thousand Mangrove will be completed on the day Thursday June 19th 2014 at the location of the Mangrove Planting Edema Tg Perepak not an easy job, the proposal of
Our new seedlings instead of seeds which we have planted activist friends expressed by selogan "We Planted place of the Most Difficult". Landscape weber barbecue conditions this edema is a shunned former fishermen, in addition to the muddy terrain, making it difficult to walk on at low tide. When we stand longer then the body will be buried up to her waist semangkin adults. Edema is formed by the ebb currents carrying mud particles gradually from upstream rivers and streams weber barbecue Langkai Pengabu. We need to inform that the slender river and sewer pengabu bring thousands of domestic society, and a wet market which is domiciled in the SP aviary, kitchen 12 plots and the surrounding region. Can we imagine the thousands of trillions of bacteria have been deposited in the mud Edema Perepat Tg. So that this region became the main target of planting mangrove trees so that later we can help neutralize existing heavy metal content. Consequently we have to find the moment when the sea will ebb tide or close to the mangrove weber barbecue plant, so that the body becomes lighter when dilumpur and the water is not so itchy.
Earth moving and have to balance the natural stabilizer. Earthquake, tsunami, floods, droughts, extreme climate change is a form of ignorance called human beings on the environment. Cutting and hoard land or swamp valley, weber barbecue as well as the destruction of mangrove weber barbecue forests that occur on Batam island effects we will feel present and future generations. Fresh fish is a top of the menu, but we are surrounded by the sea, ask anglers if they get snapper, grouper, red Ungar. The answer is no longer. because our environment is damaged, the mangrove forests marine breed gone. Whether weber barbecue we should still see the damage caused by malicious collaboration between, the real silence means traitor -Rizaldy Ananda-
2014 (25) October (6) Mangrove PT. Philips Indonesia Mangrove Planting Planting We Need More than just a Concern ... Philips Trust our Mangrove Planting 1,000 ASL Shipyard Indonesia Mangrove Habitat Planting Amputation In Batam Island World Environment Day 2014 December (1) April (10) March (8) 2013 (1) January (1)

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