Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And so you have that you want blocked sites where these pages one can not surf the iPhone or iPad w

When Apple has released iOS6 they forgot to add an important function fewa (ability to block websites in Safari). fewa There have been some ways but quite heavy dog and not always properly punojshin. fewa This feature Apple has added to iOS7.
Most people migrate desire to block websites because they share their iPhone or iPad with their children and they do not want to watch certain content that are not preferred for children. So we will bring you some steps on how to block websites on iPhone or your iPad.
6.Drejtohu to Never Allow option. 7. Then click Add a website. 8.Ju add a site you want to block, (you can add how many pages you wish to block). fewa 9.Pasi fewa add your sites you log into Safari and go to any site that have been blocked, and you'll see how there will be able to browse sites that have been blocked. 10.Po just to open that page directly from Safari after that you have blocked Allow option appears where you simply click and press passcode that you assigning to Enable Restrictions option.
And so you have that you want blocked sites where these pages one can not surf the iPhone or iPad without your permission. Function much the better where enables you to block pages with your favorite passcode. For every problem that Hasan us at the comments column, with luxuries to will help you / NdihmerrethApple
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