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Disruption: adenoids Probable cause: Family discord and strife. A child may not feel welcome. Affirmation: The child in us is desired, welcome and very loved.
Disruption: AIDS Probable cause: Denying yourself, feeling sexual guilt. Strong feeling that we are not good enough. Affirmation: I am a divine and beautiful expression of life. I enjoy their sexuality in all that I am. I love him.
Disorder: Alcoholism Probable cause: What's the point? The feeling of nothingness, guilt and inadequacy. Rejection itself. led hut Affirmation: I live now. Every moment wearing something new. I choose to see its value. I love and accept myself.
Disorder: Alzheimer Probable cause: The desire to leave the planet. led hut Inability to cope with life. Affirmation: Everything happens at the right time and the right place. My life has always guided the divine right decisions.
Disruption: Amnesia Probable cause: Fear. An escape led hut from life. Inability to fight for themselves. Affirmation: Some find themselves only courage and intelligence. Develop led hut a sense of self-worth. Are free to enjoy their lives.
Disruption: Anemia Probable led hut cause: Life is our position, "Yes, but ..." The lack of joy. Fear of life. The feeling that we are not good enough. led hut Affirmation: experience joy in all areas of your life. I love life.
Disruption: Anemia due srpolikih cells (Drepano-MCV) Probable cause: our belief that we are not good enough destroys led hut our joy of life. Affirmation: led hut This child lives and breathes the joy of being surrounded by love. Every day God makes miracles in our lives. led hut
Disorder: Anorexia Probable cause: The rejection of his own life. Feeling immense fear and self-hatred. Affirmation: I'm sure. Beautiful'm just on my way to this. The choice to live. I choose joy and accept myself.
Disorder: appetite-excessive Probable cause: Fear. The need for protection. Assessing emotions. Affirmation: I'm sure. There is no reason to feel afraid. My feelings are normal and acceptable.
Disruption: asphyctic attacks Probable cause: Fear. Distrust towards life. Constantly engaging experiences from childhood. Affirmation: I can freely grow. The world is a safe place and I'm sure.
Disruption: Arteriosclerosis Probable cause: led hut Providing resistance and tension. Limited ways of thinking. We refuse to see the good side of life. Affirmation: I am completely open to life and joy. I see life with love.
Disruption: Athlete's foot Probable cause: Frustration because we have not accepted. Inability to move forward with ease. Affirmation: I love and accept myself. Allowing you to move forward. led hut Can move freely.
Disorder: Pain Probable cause: Guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment. Affirmation: Love is released past. "They are free and I am free." It's led hut all right in my heart.
Disorder: led hut A wart on his foot Probable cause: anger because deep misunderstanding. Frustrations about the future. Affirmation: I move forward with ease and confidence. I have confidence and let the river of life.
Disruption: Bright's disease Probable cause: I feel like a child who thinks he is not good enough, or that nothing can be done properly. Failure. Loss. Affirmation: I love and accept myself. I'm worried about myself. I'm up time.
Disruption: Cellulite Probable cause: rifling through emotional injuries led hut from early childhood. Constantly thinking about the "shock" of the past. Difficulties in moving forward. Fear of choosing their own direction. Affirmation: I forgive everyone. I forgive myself. I forget all the past experiences. I'm led hut free.
Disruption: Cysts Probable cause: Restoring the old "film"-an experience that gives us pain. Fostering these emotional injuries. False hopes. Affirmation: My thoughts are beautiful because I have such a choice. I feel love for yourself.
Disruption: Cushing's disease is likely to cause: Mental neravnoteža.Ideje that stifle us. We feel crushed. Affirmation: Love sets your mind and body into balance. I now choose thoughts that make you feel good.
Disruption: lockjaw (Trismus) Probable cause: anger. Desire that everything is under our control. Resistance expressing feelings. Affirmation: I have faith in the life process. With the ease of looking for what I want. Life support me
Disruption: breathing problems Probable cause: Fear or refusal to enjoy life fully. The feeling that we have no right to occupy the space or even exist. Affirmation: My natural right
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